www.Rashid-Butt.de.tl |
Events & Holidays in Pakistan |
Date |
English Name |
Local Name |
10 Jan |
Muharram 10 |
Ashura |
20 Mar |
Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi |
عيد ميلاد النبي |
March 23 |
Pakistan Day |
یوم پاکستان
Yom-e-Pakistan |
May 1 |
Labor Day (May Day) |
یوم کاریگر
Yom-e-Karegar |
August 14 |
Independence Day |
یوم استقلال
Yom-e-Istiqlal |
September 6 |
Defense Day |
یوم دفاع
Yom-e-Difa |
September 11 |
Death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah |
یوم وفات قائداعظم
Yom-e-Wafat-e-Quaid-e-Azam |
22 Nov (Approx) |
Eid-ul-Fitr |
عيد الفطر |
November 9 |
Birthday of Muhammad Iqbal |
یوم ولادت محمد اقبال
Yom-e-Viladat-e-Muhammed Iqbal |
29 Nov (Approx) |
Eid ul-Adha |
عيد الأضحى |
December 25 |
Birthday of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah;
Christmas |
یوم ولادت قائداعظم
عيد الميلاد المسيح
Eid-ul-Milad-ul-Masseh |
Dates following the lunar Islamic calendar
Dhul Hijja 10 |
Eid ul-Adha |
عيد الأضحى |
Commemorates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, occurs on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hajji |
Shawwal 1 |
Eid-ul-Fitr |
عيد الفطر |
Commemorates end of Ramadan (Ramazan). It occurs on the 1st day of Shawwal |
Rabi`-ul-Awwal 12 |
Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi |
عيد ميلاد النبي |
Birthday of Prophet Muhammad. It occurs on the 12th of Rabi'-ul-Awwal |
Muharram 10 |
Ashura |
عاشوراء |
Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain. It occurs on the 10th day of Muharram |
Ramadan last Friday |
Jumu'ah-tul-Wida |
جمعة الودع |
It occurs on last Friday in Ramadan before Eid-ul-Fitr |
Ramadan last ten nights of the month |
Laylat al-Qadr |
ليلةِ القَدر |
It occurs on last ten nights in Ramadan |
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